
You can buy either a single session or a package of sessions. It works well to work on a single issue over 8 sessions, and so there’s a discount for purchasing that as a group.

Ready to book? Drop me a line at jonobie@selfwitte.com.

20 minute meet & greet: Free

This is an opportunity for you to ask questions about the coaching process, and I’ll get a sense of what you’d like to work on. If it seems like we’re a good fit, we can go from there.

Single 50-minute coaching session: $175

A full coaching session done over live text chat, phone, or video chat, where we’ll work on an area you’re looking to change or grow in. Examples include looking for the next stage of your career, overcoming obstacles experienced as a minority in technology, exploring options for a role change, working towards a role as a people manager, or growing as a new manager. We’ll look to end each session with a clear actionable next step towards your goals.

The “Engage” package (4 sessions): 15% off - $605

Four sessions will give us a chance to define your goal and begin taking initial steps towards it. Because it is easier to make progress with a sustained engagement on a specific goal, I encourage getting a package of sessions to focus our work together.

The “Make it so!” package (8 sessions): 20% off - $1,120

While a coaching relationship can continue indefinitely, it often helps to focus on a specific goal or problem for a set period of time. In my experience, 8 sessions is a good amount of time to define a goal, experiment with steps towards it, and then validate how it’s going and form the next goal. Because of that, I encourage people to try a full 8 week package to work on a single “thing”.

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In your message, let me know some good times for you and how you prefer to be contacted.

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